' Our Portfolio | Boeger Winery

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Give the gift of Boeger with a wine club membership!

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Give the gift of Boeger with a Wine Club Membership.

It’s easy, here’s how:

  1. Choose between our Legends 4-bottle customizable wine club or our Magicians 3-bottle shipping subscription. (Click here for the details of each club.)
  2. Choose how many shipments you wish to gift.
  3. Complete our online wine club application for either the Legends or Magicians, or call our Wine Club Wizard Alison at 530-622-8094 and she'll take care of you.
  4. We will take care of the rest!

The recipient's first shipment will include a handwritten gift message from you, a small gift from Boeger, a winery brochure with all the club details, and a VIP tasting invitation.

Your gift recipient will become part of a select group with access to the Boeger magic enjoying exclusive benefits and irresistible wines.

Each club release includes outstanding wines hand-selected by our winemaker, our quarterly winery newsletter including tales from the legends of Boeger, and an expertly crafted recipe to pair with your wine.

Our wine club manager will reach out to you to confirm all the gift details.